Package com.snowtide.pdf.forms

The com.snowtide.pdf.forms package is home to a variety of classes that support PDFTextStream's form extraction functionality.


Interface Summary
AcroForm A Form implementation that represents the contents of an interactive PDF form, available via PDFTextStream.getFormData().
AcroFormField Interface implmented by all form fields held by AcroForm instances.
Form Provides access to form data available in a PDF document.
FormField Base interface for objects representing fields within a Form.

Class Summary
AcroButtonField Represents a button form field in an interactive AcroForm.
AcroCheckboxField Instances of this class represent individual checkboxes in an interactive forms.
AcroChoiceField Represents a multiple-choice form field in an interactive AcroForm.
AcroRadioButtonGroupField Instances of this class represent a group of radio buttons in an interactive forms.
AcroSignatureField Represents a digital signature field in an interactive AcroForm.
AcroTextField Represents a text field in an interactive AcroForm.

Package com.snowtide.pdf.forms Description

The com.snowtide.pdf.forms package is home to a variety of classes that support PDFTextStream's form extraction functionality. Items of note: