Class Bookmark

  • public class Bookmark
    extends Object

    Instances of this class form a singly-rooted tree available in some PDF documents. The elements in such a tree, available via the Document.getBookmarks() function, refer to a page within the source PDF document. In addition, some Bookmarks may also refer to a position on the referred page, further specifying the location of a section of interest within the source PDF document.

    ©2004-2025 Snowtide
    • Method Summary

      All Methods Instance Methods Concrete Methods 
      Modifier and Type Method Description
      List<Bookmark> getAllChildren()
      Returns a new List of the direct descendants of this bookmark.
      int getAllChildren​(List dest)
      Adds all of the direct descendants of this bookmark to the given list.
      List<Bookmark> getAllDescendants()
      Performs a full descent of the bookmark tree rooted at this bookmark, adding all descendant child bookmarks to a new list, which is returned.
      int getAllDescendants​(List dest)
      Performs a full descent of the bookmark tree rooted at this bookmark, adding all descendant child bookmarks to the given list.
      float getBottomBound()
      Returns the y-coordinate on the page to which this bookmark refers where a PDF viewer should position the bottom edge of its window when the bookmark is activated.
      Bookmark getChild​(int n)
      Returns the n-th child of this bookmark.
      int getChildCnt()
      Returns the number of children this bookmark contains.
      String getDestinationName()
      Returns the name of the destination associated with this Bookmark.
      float getLeftBound()
      Returns the x-coordinate on the page to which this bookmark refers where a PDF viewer should position the left edge of its window when the bookmark is activated.
      int getPageNumber()
      Returns the page number for this bookmark.
      float getRightBound()
      Returns the x-coordinate on the page to which this bookmark refers where a PDF viewer should position the right edge of its window when the bookmark is activated.
      String getTitle()
      Returns the title/label for this bookmark.
      float getTopBound()
      Returns the y-coordinate on the page to which this bookmark refers where a PDF viewer should position the top edge of its window when the bookmark is activated.
    • Method Detail

      • getTitle

        public String getTitle()
        Returns the title/label for this bookmark. May be null, especially if this bookmark is the root of a PDF document's bookmark tree.
      • getDestinationName

        public String getDestinationName()
        Returns the name of the destination associated with this Bookmark. This value may be null if this Bookmark is not associated with a named destination.
      • getPageNumber

        public int getPageNumber()
        Returns the page number for this bookmark. The page number is 0-based, and can be used to access the corresponding page object via the parent om.snowtide.pdf.Document}'s Document.getPage(int) method. This function may return -1 if no page number is specified for a bookmark; this is very likely if this bookmark is the root of a PDF document's bookmark tree.
      • getLeftBound

        public float getLeftBound()
        Returns the x-coordinate on the page to which this bookmark refers where a PDF viewer should position the left edge of its window when the bookmark is activated. If unspecified, this function will return -1.
      • getRightBound

        public float getRightBound()
        Returns the x-coordinate on the page to which this bookmark refers where a PDF viewer should position the right edge of its window when the bookmark is activated. If unspecified, this function will return -1.
      • getTopBound

        public float getTopBound()
        Returns the y-coordinate on the page to which this bookmark refers where a PDF viewer should position the top edge of its window when the bookmark is activated. If unspecified, this function will return -1.
      • getBottomBound

        public float getBottomBound()
        Returns the y-coordinate on the page to which this bookmark refers where a PDF viewer should position the bottom edge of its window when the bookmark is activated. If unspecified, this function will return -1.
      • getChildCnt

        public int getChildCnt()
        Returns the number of children this bookmark contains.
      • getAllChildren

        public int getAllChildren​(List dest)
        Adds all of the direct descendants of this bookmark to the given list.
        the number of bookmarks added to the given list
      • getAllChildren

        public List<Bookmark> getAllChildren()
        Returns a new List of the direct descendants of this bookmark. The returned List is guaranteed to provide fast random access.
      • getAllDescendants

        public int getAllDescendants​(List dest)
        Performs a full descent of the bookmark tree rooted at this bookmark, adding all descendant child bookmarks to the given list.
        the number of bookmarks added to the given list
      • getAllDescendants

        public List<Bookmark> getAllDescendants()
        Performs a full descent of the bookmark tree rooted at this bookmark, adding all descendant child bookmarks to a new list, which is returned. The returned List is guaranteed to provide fast random access.