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AcroButtonField - Class in com.snowtide.pdf.forms
Represents a button form field in an interactive AcroForm.
AcroCheckboxField - Class in com.snowtide.pdf.forms
Instances of this class represent individual checkboxes in an interactive forms.
AcroChoiceField - Class in com.snowtide.pdf.forms
Represents a multiple-choice form field in an interactive AcroForm.
AcroForm - Interface in com.snowtide.pdf.forms
A Form implementation that represents the contents of an interactive PDF form, available via Document.getFormData().
AcroFormField - Interface in com.snowtide.pdf.forms
Interface implmented by all form fields held by AcroForm instances.
AcroRadioButtonGroupField - Class in com.snowtide.pdf.forms
Instances of this class represent a group of radio buttons in an interactive forms.
AcroSignatureField - Class in com.snowtide.pdf.forms
Represents a digital signature field in an interactive AcroForm.
AcroTextField - Class in com.snowtide.pdf.forms
Represents a text field in an interactive AcroForm.
addChild(Block) - Method in interface com.snowtide.pdf.layout.BlockParent
addColumnPartition(int) - Method in interface com.snowtide.pdf.Page
Adds the given coordinate as an acceptable midline between columns, used when this page is segmented.
addRegion(float, float, float, float) - Method in class com.snowtide.pdf.RegionOutputTarget
Registers a new unnamed region.
addRegion(float, float, float, float, String) - Method in class com.snowtide.pdf.RegionOutputTarget
Registers a new named region.
allowsMultipleChoices() - Method in class com.snowtide.pdf.forms.AcroChoiceField
Returns true if this choice field's widget allows multiple selections.
Annotation - Interface in com.snowtide.pdf.annot
All PDF annotations define a range of base attributes, which are accessible using the functions this interface specifies.
area() - Method in class com.snowtide.pdf.layout.Rectangle
area() - Method in interface com.snowtide.pdf.layout.Region
The total area of this region.
ATTR_AUTHOR - Static variable in interface com.snowtide.pdf.Document
Document attribute key used to retrieve a String indicating who created a PDF document.
ATTR_CREATION_DATE - Static variable in interface com.snowtide.pdf.Document
Document attribute key used to retrieve a String indicating the date and time that a PDF document was created.
ATTR_CREATOR - Static variable in interface com.snowtide.pdf.Document
Document attribute key used to retrieve a String indicating the name of the application that created the original document from which the PDF was generated.
ATTR_KEYWORDS - Static variable in interface com.snowtide.pdf.Document
Document attribute key used to retrieve a String containing keywords associated with a PDF document.
ATTR_MOD_DATE - Static variable in interface com.snowtide.pdf.Document
Document attribute key used to retrieve a String indicating the date and time that a PDF document was last modified.
ATTR_PRODUCER - Static variable in interface com.snowtide.pdf.Document
Document attribute key used to retrieve a String indicating the name of the application that generated a PDF document.
ATTR_SUBJECT - Static variable in interface com.snowtide.pdf.Document
Document attribute key used to retrieve a String indicating the subject of a PDF document.
ATTR_TITLE - Static variable in interface com.snowtide.pdf.Document
Document attribute key used to retrieve a String indicating the title of a PDF document.
ATTR_TRAPPED - Static variable in interface com.snowtide.pdf.Document
Document attribute key used to retrieve an indicator as to whether a PDF document includes trapping information (trapping is a method for correcting printing errors in high-quality printing environments).
ATTR_USES_GRAPH_FONTS - Static variable in interface com.snowtide.pdf.Document
Some PDF files use fonts that are image-based -- instead of their encodings mapping character codes to standard Unicode characters, they map character codes to images of characters.


BadPassword - com.snowtide.pdf.EncryptedPDFException.ErrorType
Error type indicating that a Document was opened without a password when one was needed, or that the instance was created with an incorrect password.
Base - com.snowtide.PDF.Feature
PDFxStream no longer alters its functionality based on "active" features
bitmap() - Method in interface com.snowtide.pdf.layout.Image
Returns a BufferedImage for this Image that is ready to be drawn to a graphics context.
bitmapBounds() - Method in interface com.snowtide.pdf.layout.Image
Returns a Region whose width and height indicate that of the bitmap itself; its origin coordinates (Region.lx() and Region.by()) will always be 0, 0.
Block - Interface in com.snowtide.pdf.layout
Instances of this class represent groupings of text at a specific position on a Page.
BlockParent - Interface in com.snowtide.pdf.layout
An interface to be implemented by any class that can contain an ordered set of Blocks.
BMP - com.snowtide.pdf.layout.Image.Format
Bookmark - Class in com.snowtide.pdf
Instances of this class form a singly-rooted tree available in some PDF documents.
Bounded - Interface in com.snowtide.pdf.layout
Instances of this interface represent two-dimensional spatial entities that carry a Region instance indicating their minimum bounding rectangle.
bounds() - Method in class com.snowtide.pdf.forms.AcroRadioButtonGroupField
Returns the region on the page where this radio button group is positioned.
bounds() - Method in interface com.snowtide.pdf.layout.Bounded
bounds() - Method in class com.snowtide.pdf.layout.Rectangle
bounds() - Method in interface com.snowtide.pdf.layout.Region
Instances of Region will always return themselves from their bounds implementations.
BUTTON_TYPE_CHECKBOX - Static variable in class com.snowtide.pdf.forms.AcroButtonField
Code returned by AcroButtonField.getButtonType() when a AcroButtonField represents a checkbox.
BUTTON_TYPE_PUSHBUTTON - Static variable in class com.snowtide.pdf.forms.AcroButtonField
Code returned by AcroButtonField.getButtonType() when a AcroButtonField represents a pushbutton.
BUTTON_TYPE_RADIO_GROUP - Static variable in class com.snowtide.pdf.forms.AcroButtonField
Code returned by AcroButtonField.getButtonType() when a AcroButtonField represents a group of radio buttons.
by() - Method in class com.snowtide.pdf.layout.Rectangle
by() - Method in interface com.snowtide.pdf.layout.Region
The bottom edge of this region.


canChangeValue() - Method in class com.snowtide.pdf.forms.AcroCheckboxField
This function always returns true.
canChangeValue() - Method in class com.snowtide.pdf.forms.AcroChoiceField
Always returns true.
canChangeValue() - Method in interface com.snowtide.pdf.forms.AcroFormField
This function returns true only if this form field is of a subtype that supports setting its value.
canChangeValue() - Method in class com.snowtide.pdf.forms.AcroRadioButtonGroupField
This function always returns true.
canChangeValue() - Method in class com.snowtide.pdf.forms.AcroTextField
This function always returns true.
CHOICE_TYPE_COMBO - Static variable in class com.snowtide.pdf.forms.AcroChoiceField
Value returned by AcroChoiceField.getWidgetType(), indicating that an AcroChoiceField is representing a drop-down combo box.
CHOICE_TYPE_LIST - Static variable in class com.snowtide.pdf.forms.AcroChoiceField
Value returned by AcroChoiceField.getWidgetType() indicating that an AcroChoiceField is representing a list that can potentially allow multiple values to be selected.
close() - Method in class com.snowtide.pdf.PDFTextStream
COLUMN_POSITION_HALVES - Static variable in interface com.snowtide.pdf.Page
A constant parameter for use with Page.addColumnPartition(int).
COLUMN_POSITION_QUARTERS - Static variable in interface com.snowtide.pdf.Page
A constant parameter for use with Page.addColumnPartition(int).
COLUMN_POSITION_THIRDS - Static variable in interface com.snowtide.pdf.Page
A constant parameter for use with Page.addColumnPartition(int).
com.snowtide - package com.snowtide
This package contains PDF, the primary entry point for all of PDFxStream.
com.snowtide.pdf - package com.snowtide.pdf
This package contains a variety of core abstractions representing PDF Documents and their Pages, as well as various PDFxStream interfaces and implementations thereof that simply many PDF data extraction use cases.
com.snowtide.pdf.annot - package com.snowtide.pdf.annot
This package contains interfaces and classes that PDFxStream uses to represent various types of annotations present in PDF Documents.
com.snowtide.pdf.forms - package com.snowtide.pdf.forms
This package contains interfaces and classes that PDFxStream uses to represent various types of form data present in PDF Documents.
com.snowtide.pdf.layout - package com.snowtide.pdf.layout
This package contains interfaces and classes that PDFxStream uses to represent the document model implicitly defined by the content rendered by each Page in a PDF Document.
com.snowtide.pdf.util - package com.snowtide.pdf.util
This package contains utility classes implementing various PDFxStream capabilities, including Kodak print data extraction, extracting tabular data from PDF documents in CSV format, and merging multiple PDF documents into one.
com.snowtide.util.logging - package com.snowtide.util.logging
Configuration - Class in com.snowtide.pdf
Various configuration options for PDFxStream may be set using this class.
Configuration() - Constructor for class com.snowtide.pdf.Configuration
Creates a Configuration whose properties are derived from the original defaults and the current value of system properties.
Configuration(Configuration) - Constructor for class com.snowtide.pdf.Configuration
Creates a copy of the given Configuration instance.
Configuration.TelemetryMode - Enum in com.snowtide.pdf
PDFxStream makes very limited use of remote telemetry, strictly to ensure licensing compliance and to aid Snowtide's technical support operations.
Console - Class in com.snowtide.pdf
This class provides a command-line interface to PDFxStream and its capabilities.
contains(Region, Region) - Static method in class com.snowtide.pdf.layout.Rectangle
Returns true only if r is entirely contained within query.
convertTablesToCSV(Page, char) - Static method in class com.snowtide.pdf.util.TableUtils
Calls TableUtils.convertTablesToCSV(Page, char, String) with the specified page, cell delimiter, and a single linefeed (\n) as a linebreak sequence.
convertTablesToCSV(Page, char, String) - Static method in class com.snowtide.pdf.util.TableUtils
Returns an array of CSV-formatted Strings, one for each Table found in the given page, using the specified character as a cell delimiter and the specified String as a linebreak sequence.
convertToCSV(Table, char) - Static method in class com.snowtide.pdf.util.TableUtils
Calls TableUtils.convertToCSV(Table, char, String) with the specified Table, cell delimiter, and a single linefeed (\n) as a linebreak sequence.
convertToCSV(Table, char, String) - Static method in class com.snowtide.pdf.util.TableUtils
Returns a CSV-formatted String based on the contents of the given Table, using the specified character as a cell delimiter and the specified String as a linebreak sequence.
count() - Method in interface com.snowtide.pdf.layout.Spaces
crop(Region) - Method in interface com.snowtide.pdf.layout.Block
Returns a Block that contains only the content held by this Block that intersects the given "query" area.
crop(Region) - Method in interface com.snowtide.pdf.Page
Returns a Page instance that contains only the content held by this Page instance that intersects the given "query" area.


data() - Method in interface com.snowtide.pdf.layout.Image
Returns the data for this image, encoded according to the format indicated by Image.dataFormat(); may return null if it is known that the image's data cannot be decoded without producing an exception.
dataFormat() - Method in interface com.snowtide.pdf.layout.Image
Returns the format of the image data available from this image's Image.data() method.
debug(Object) - Method in interface com.snowtide.util.logging.Log
Output a logging message at the 'debug' severity level.
debug(Object, Throwable) - Method in interface com.snowtide.util.logging.Log
Output a logging message at the 'debug' severity level, including information about an associated Throwable.
Debug - com.snowtide.pdf.Configuration.TelemetryMode
Debug telemetry mode is the same as #On, but the full payload of all telemetry communications is logged for your inspection, along with any errors in handling the response from PDFxStream's telemetry backend.
DEFAULT_UNSELECTED_VALUE - Static variable in class com.snowtide.pdf.forms.AcroButtonField
This String ("/Off") is the typical value associated with the unselected appearance for both checkboxes and radio buttons.
direction() - Method in interface com.snowtide.pdf.layout.Word
Returns the direction of the text flow within this Word.
Direction - Enum in com.snowtide.pdf.layout
An enum representing the directionality of extracted text.
Document - Interface in com.snowtide.pdf
Interface implemented by all objects representing a PDF document.
DocumentLocation - Interface in com.snowtide.pdf
Represents a unique location within a Document.


EmbeddedFile - Class in com.snowtide.pdf
Files in PDF documents may be associated either with the document as a whole, or with annotations that are located on a single page in a particular location.
EncryptedPDFException - Exception in com.snowtide.pdf
A subclass of IOException that is thrown by PDFxStream constructors if one of the following conditions occurs: a variety of encryption is encountered that PDFxStream does not support an error occurs while decrypting PDF data an incorrect password is provided to one of the PDFxStream constructors
EncryptedPDFException.ErrorType - Enum in com.snowtide.pdf
An enumeration of the set of possible error types that can be indicated by a thrown EncryptedPDFException.
EncryptionInfo - Class in com.snowtide.pdf
Instances of this class provide information about the parameters used to encrypt a PDF document.
EncryptionInfo() - Constructor for class com.snowtide.pdf.EncryptionInfo
endBlock(Block) - Method in class com.snowtide.pdf.OutputHandler
Invoked when PDFxStream has finished processing a Block.
endBlock(Block) - Method in class pdfts.examples.XMLOutputTarget
endLine(Line) - Method in class com.snowtide.pdf.OutputHandler
Invoked when PDFxStream has finished processing a Line.
endLine(Line) - Method in class com.snowtide.pdf.VisualOutputTarget
endPage(Page) - Method in class com.snowtide.pdf.OutputHandler
Invoked when PDFxStream has finished processing a page
endPage(Page) - Method in class com.snowtide.pdf.RegionOutputTarget
endPage(Page) - Method in class com.snowtide.pdf.SelectionOutputTarget
endPage(Page) - Method in class com.snowtide.pdf.VisualOutputTarget
endPage(Page) - Method in class pdfts.examples.GoogleHTMLOutputHandler
endPage(Page) - Method in class pdfts.examples.XMLOutputTarget
endPDF(String, File) - Method in class com.snowtide.pdf.OutputHandler
Invoked when PDFxStream has finished processing a PDF.
endPDF(String, File) - Method in class pdfts.examples.XMLOutputTarget
endSpan(Span) - Method in class com.snowtide.pdf.OutputHandler
Invoked when PDFxStream has finished processing a Span
endxpos() - Method in class com.snowtide.pdf.layout.Rectangle
endxpos() - Method in interface com.snowtide.pdf.layout.Region
Legacy naming, same as Region.rx()
endypos() - Method in class com.snowtide.pdf.layout.Rectangle
endypos() - Method in interface com.snowtide.pdf.layout.Region
Legacy naming, same as Region.ty()
error(Object) - Method in interface com.snowtide.util.logging.Log
Output a logging message at the 'error' severity level.
error(Object, Throwable) - Method in interface com.snowtide.util.logging.Log
Output a logging message at the 'error' severity level, including information about an associated Throwable.
exportFormAsXML(Document) - Static method in class pdfts.examples.XMLFormExport
Extracts all interactive form data from a PDF file using the given PDFxStream, and returns a DOM XML Document instance containing the form data.
extract(Document) - Static method in class com.snowtide.pdf.util.KodakPrintData
Searches for Kodak print job data within the PDF file held open by the provided Document.


fatal(Object) - Method in interface com.snowtide.util.logging.Log
Output a logging message at the 'fatal' severity level.
fatal(Object, Throwable) - Method in interface com.snowtide.util.logging.Log
Output a logging message at the 'fatal' severity level, including information about an associated Throwable.
FaultyPDFException - Exception in com.snowtide.pdf
Exceptions of this type are thrown by PDFxStream when it encounters such a serious error when attempting to process a PDF file that no extraction can take place.
FIELD_TYPE_BUTTON - Static variable in interface com.snowtide.pdf.forms.AcroFormField
FIELD_TYPE_CHOICE - Static variable in interface com.snowtide.pdf.forms.AcroFormField
FIELD_TYPE_OTHER - Static variable in interface com.snowtide.pdf.forms.AcroFormField
FIELD_TYPE_SIGNATURE - Static variable in interface com.snowtide.pdf.forms.AcroFormField
FIELD_TYPE_TEXT - Static variable in interface com.snowtide.pdf.forms.AcroFormField
FileAttachmentAnnotation - Class in com.snowtide.pdf.annot
An Annotation implementation that represents a PDF annotation of type FileAttachment.
FileAttachmentAnnotation() - Constructor for class com.snowtide.pdf.annot.FileAttachmentAnnotation
Font - Interface in com.snowtide.pdf
Represents a PDF font.
forBuffer(Appendable) - Static method in class com.snowtide.pdf.OutputTarget
Form<T extends FormField> - Interface in com.snowtide.pdf.forms
Provides access to form data available in a PDF document.
FormField - Interface in com.snowtide.pdf.forms
Base interface for objects representing fields within a Form.
Forms - com.snowtide.PDF.Feature
PDFxStream no longer alters its functionality based on "active" features
forWriter(Writer) - Static method in class com.snowtide.pdf.OutputTarget
FreeTextAnnotation - Class in com.snowtide.pdf.annot
An Annotation implementation that represents a PDF annotation of type FreeText.
FreeTextAnnotation() - Constructor for class com.snowtide.pdf.annot.FreeTextAnnotation


getAllAnnotations() - Method in interface com.snowtide.pdf.Document
Returns a list containing all of the Annotations contained in the current PDF document.
getAllAnnotations() - Method in class com.snowtide.pdf.PDFTextStream
getAllAnnotations(List) - Method in interface com.snowtide.pdf.Document
Adds to the given List all of the Annotations contained in the current PDF document.
getAllAnnotations(List) - Method in class com.snowtide.pdf.PDFTextStream
getAllChildren() - Method in class com.snowtide.pdf.Bookmark
Returns a new List of the direct descendants of this bookmark.
getAllChildren(List) - Method in class com.snowtide.pdf.Bookmark
Adds all of the direct descendants of this bookmark to the given list.
getAllDescendants() - Method in class com.snowtide.pdf.Bookmark
Performs a full descent of the bookmark tree rooted at this bookmark, adding all descendant child bookmarks to a new list, which is returned.
getAllDescendants(List) - Method in class com.snowtide.pdf.Bookmark
Performs a full descent of the bookmark tree rooted at this bookmark, adding all descendant child bookmarks to the given list.
getAllEmbeddedFiles() - Method in interface com.snowtide.pdf.Document
Returns a list of all of the embedded files available in the source PDF.
getAllEmbeddedFiles() - Method in class com.snowtide.pdf.PDFTextStream
getAllTables(Page) - Static method in class com.snowtide.pdf.util.TableUtils
Returns a List of Table instances that are available in the given Page.
getAnnotations(int) - Method in interface com.snowtide.pdf.Document
Returns a List of all annotations found on the page indicated by the given page number; each object will be an instance of a class that implements the Annotation interface.
getAnnotations(int) - Method in class com.snowtide.pdf.PDFTextStream
getAppearance() - Method in interface com.snowtide.pdf.annot.Annotation
Returns a Page containing this annotation's rendered "appearance stream", if it explicitly defines one, null otherwise.
getAttachment() - Method in class com.snowtide.pdf.annot.FileAttachmentAnnotation
Returns the EmbeddedFile associated with this annotation.
getAttribute(String) - Method in interface com.snowtide.pdf.Document
Returns the value of the specified document-level metadata attribute.
getAttribute(String) - Method in class com.snowtide.pdf.PDFTextStream
getAttributeKeys() - Method in interface com.snowtide.pdf.Document
Returns a Set containing the keys of all available document metadata attributes.
getAttributeKeys() - Method in class com.snowtide.pdf.PDFTextStream
getAttributeMap() - Method in interface com.snowtide.pdf.Document
Returns a Map containing a copy of all keys and values of all available document metadata attributes.
getAttributeMap() - Method in class com.snowtide.pdf.PDFTextStream
getBitLength() - Method in class com.snowtide.pdf.EncryptionInfo
Returns the bit length of the key used to encrypt the document; will always be a multiple of 8, and between 40 - 128.
getBookmarks() - Method in interface com.snowtide.pdf.Document
If the current PDF document contains a bookmark tree, this function will return its root node.
getBookmarks() - Method in class com.snowtide.pdf.PDFTextStream
getBottomBound() - Method in class com.snowtide.pdf.annot.LinkAnnotation
Returns the y-coordinate on the page to which this link annotation refers where a PDF viewer should position the bottom edge of its window when the link annotation is activated.
getBottomBound() - Method in class com.snowtide.pdf.Bookmark
Returns the y-coordinate on the page to which this bookmark refers where a PDF viewer should position the bottom edge of its window when the bookmark is activated.
getButtonType() - Method in class com.snowtide.pdf.forms.AcroButtonField
Returns an indicator of what type of button this field object represents.
getCharacters() - Method in interface com.snowtide.pdf.Page
Returns a collection of TextUnits on this page.
getCharacterSequence() - Method in interface com.snowtide.pdf.layout.TextUnit
Returns the characters that should be rendered for this TextUnit.
getCharCode() - Method in interface com.snowtide.pdf.layout.TextUnit
Returns the 'raw' character code used to encode this TextUnit in the source PDF document.
getCharSeqForCode(int) - Method in interface com.snowtide.pdf.Font
Returns the character sequence that corresponds to the given character code for this Font.
getCheckedValue() - Method in class com.snowtide.pdf.forms.AcroCheckboxField
Returns the value that represents the checked state for this checkbox.
getChild(int) - Method in class com.snowtide.pdf.Bookmark
Returns the n-th child of this bookmark.
getChild(int) - Method in interface com.snowtide.pdf.layout.BlockParent
Returns the child and the given index.
getChildCnt() - Method in class com.snowtide.pdf.Bookmark
Returns the number of children this bookmark contains.
getChildCnt() - Method in interface com.snowtide.pdf.layout.BlockParent
Returns the number of children held by this BlockParent.
getConfig() - Method in interface com.snowtide.pdf.Document
Returns the Configuration instance that this Document is using to govern its operation.
getConfig() - Method in class com.snowtide.pdf.OutputTarget
Returns the Configuration instance that this OutputTarget is currently using.
getConfig() - Method in interface com.snowtide.pdf.Page
Returns the Configuration instance provided to this page by its parent Document instance.
getConfig() - Method in class com.snowtide.pdf.PDFTextStream
getContent() - Method in class com.snowtide.pdf.EmbeddedFile
Returns the data associated with this file, as embedded in the source document.
getContents() - Method in interface com.snowtide.pdf.annot.Annotation
Returns the text content of this annotation.
getCropBox() - Method in interface com.snowtide.pdf.Page
The "crop box" defined by the PDF for this page, expressed in user space units as with Page.getPageHeight() and Page.getPageWidth().
getData() - Method in class com.snowtide.pdf.util.KodakPrintData
Returns the raw KDK print job data as extracted from the PDF document.
getDefault() - Static method in class com.snowtide.pdf.Configuration
Returns the configuration that new Document instances use by default.
getDefaultValue() - Method in interface com.snowtide.pdf.forms.AcroFormField
Returns the default value to which the field reverts when a reset-form action is executed, as specified in the /DV entry in this field's PDF dictionary.
getDescription() - Method in class com.snowtide.pdf.EmbeddedFile
Returns the user-specified description of this file.
getDestinationName() - Method in class com.snowtide.pdf.Bookmark
Returns the name of the destination associated with this Bookmark.
getDisplayValue(String) - Method in class com.snowtide.pdf.forms.AcroChoiceField
Returns the display value associated with the supplied export value.
getDocument() - Method in interface com.snowtide.pdf.forms.Form
Returns the source Document from which this Form was extracted.
getDocument() - Method in interface com.snowtide.pdf.Page
Returns the Document from which this Page was sourced.
getEmbeddedFiles() - Method in interface com.snowtide.pdf.Document
Returns a list of the embedded files associated with the source PDF document itself.
getEmbeddedFiles() - Method in class com.snowtide.pdf.PDFTextStream
getEncryptionInfo() - Method in interface com.snowtide.pdf.Document
Returns an EncryptionInfo object, which provides access to some of the parameters used for the current PDF document's encryption.
getEncryptionInfo() - Method in class com.snowtide.pdf.PDFTextStream
getErrorType() - Method in exception com.snowtide.pdf.EncryptedPDFException
Returns an EncryptedPDFException.ErrorType this exception's cause.
getExportValue() - Method in class com.snowtide.pdf.forms.AcroButtonField
Returns the export value set on this button field.
getExportValue(String) - Method in class com.snowtide.pdf.forms.AcroChoiceField
getExportValues() - Method in class com.snowtide.pdf.forms.AcroButtonField
Returns a List of the possible export values of this button field, as dictated by the field dictionary's /Opt entry.
getField(String) - Method in interface com.snowtide.pdf.forms.AcroForm
Returns the AcroFormField that has the given field name, as provided by the AcroFormField.getFullName() function.
getField(String) - Method in interface com.snowtide.pdf.forms.Form
Returns the field held by this form with the given name.
getFieldNames() - Method in interface com.snowtide.pdf.forms.Form
Returns a Collection of the names of all of the fields held by this form.
getFileLocation() - Method in class com.snowtide.pdf.EmbeddedFile
Returns a "specification" of the location of the file.
getFilterName() - Method in class com.snowtide.pdf.EncryptionInfo
Returns the name of the security handler for the PDF document.
getFont() - Method in interface com.snowtide.pdf.layout.TextUnit
Returns the Font that was in force when this TextUnit was outputted.
getFontName() - Method in interface com.snowtide.pdf.Font
Returns the name of this font as specified in the PDF file.
getFontSize() - Method in interface com.snowtide.pdf.layout.TextUnit
Returns the size of the font used to render this TextUnit.
getFormData() - Method in interface com.snowtide.pdf.Document
Loads the form data contained in the current document, and returns a Form object that represents that data.
getFormData() - Method in class com.snowtide.pdf.PDFTextStream
getFullName() - Method in interface com.snowtide.pdf.forms.AcroFormField
Returns the fully-qualified name of this field, which should be unique within a PDF document form.
getHTMLDocument() - Method in class pdfts.examples.GoogleHTMLOutputHandler
Returns the XHTML document that is built up by this OutputHandler.
getIconName() - Method in class com.snowtide.pdf.annot.FileAttachmentAnnotation
Returns the name of the icon that is associated with this file annotation; this is generally displayed in the PDF as the clickable target that will open the file attachment.
getIconName() - Method in class com.snowtide.pdf.annot.TextAnnotation
Returns an optional String attribute indicating the type of icon to be used in displaying this annotation.
getImages() - Method in interface com.snowtide.pdf.Document
Returns a collection of all of the Images in this Document.
getImages() - Method in interface com.snowtide.pdf.Page
Returns a Collection of Image objects, one for each image on this page.
getImages() - Method in class com.snowtide.pdf.PDFTextStream
getJustificationInd() - Method in class com.snowtide.pdf.annot.FreeTextAnnotation
Returns an int indicating how the text content of this annotation should be justified.
getLeftBound() - Method in class com.snowtide.pdf.annot.LinkAnnotation
Returns the x-coordinate on the page to which this link annotation refers where a PDF viewer should position the left edge of its window when the link annotation is activated.
getLeftBound() - Method in class com.snowtide.pdf.Bookmark
Returns the x-coordinate on the page to which this bookmark refers where a PDF viewer should position the left edge of its window when the bookmark is activated.
getLine(int) - Method in interface com.snowtide.pdf.layout.Block
Returns the Line at the given index.
getLinebreakString() - Method in class com.snowtide.pdf.Configuration
Returns the string that OutputTarget (and its subclasses) output for each linebreak identified in extracted PDF content.
getLineCnt() - Method in interface com.snowtide.pdf.layout.Block
Returns the number of Lines held by this Block.
getLines() - Method in interface com.snowtide.pdf.layout.Block
Returns a List view of the Lines held by this Block.
getLinkActionName() - Method in class com.snowtide.pdf.annot.LinkAnnotation
Returns the name of the type of action that this link annotation will perform when a user activates it within a PDF viewer.
getLocalName() - Method in interface com.snowtide.pdf.forms.AcroFormField
Returns the local name of the field, as specified in the /T entry in this field's PDF dictionary.
getLog(Class) - Method in interface com.snowtide.util.logging.LogFactory
Returns a Log instance specific to the specified class.
getLog(Class) - Static method in class com.snowtide.util.logging.LoggingRegistry
Convenience method for retrieving a Log instance for the given Class from the current LogFactory.
getLog(String) - Method in interface com.snowtide.util.logging.LogFactory
Returns a Log instance corresponding to the specified logger name.
getLog(String) - Static method in class com.snowtide.util.logging.LoggingRegistry
Convenience method for retrieving a Log instance with the given name from the current LogFactory.
getMappedCharSequence() - Method in interface com.snowtide.pdf.layout.TextUnit
Returns the characters that the source PDF mapped to the "raw" character code, via the font and encoding information in force when the character code was read from the PDF document.
getMappingName() - Method in interface com.snowtide.pdf.forms.AcroFormField
Returns the 'mapping name' of this field, as specified in the /TM entry in this field's PDF dictionary.
getMaxLength() - Method in class com.snowtide.pdf.forms.AcroTextField
Returns the maximum length of this field, as specified by this form field's /MaxLen entry.
getMinimumOverlapPct() - Method in class com.snowtide.pdf.RegionOutputTarget
getMinTableCellCount() - Method in class com.snowtide.pdf.Configuration
Returns the minimum number of adjacent cells that must be present in order for PDFxStream to recognize those cells collectively as a Table.
getModificationDate() - Method in interface com.snowtide.pdf.annot.Annotation
Returns the date, in PDF date format, when this annotation was last modified.
getName() - Method in interface com.snowtide.pdf.annot.Annotation
Returns the optional name for this annotation, which should uniquely identify it within a page.
getName() - Method in interface com.snowtide.pdf.Document
Returns the name of the PDF that this Document is reading; this will be either the name of the PDF file that is being read, or the pdfName String that was provided if this Document was opened using one of the com.snowtide.PDF.open() methods that accepts an InputStream or ByteBuffer, e.g.
getName() - Method in interface com.snowtide.pdf.forms.FormField
Returns the canonical name of this field.
getName() - Method in class com.snowtide.pdf.PDFTextStream
getObject() - Method in class com.snowtide.pdf.OutputTarget
Returns the Appendable used to create this OutputTarget.
getOptions() - Method in class com.snowtide.pdf.forms.AcroChoiceField
Returns a Map containing all of the options offered by this choice field, using export values (strings that can be returned by getValue()) as keys mapped to display values (strings that are returned by AcroChoiceField.getDisplayValue(String), given a valid export value).
getPage(int) - Method in interface com.snowtide.pdf.Document
Reads and returns a single page.
getPage(int) - Method in class com.snowtide.pdf.PDFTextStream
getPageCnt() - Method in interface com.snowtide.pdf.Document
Returns the number of pages in the PDF document.
getPageCnt() - Method in class com.snowtide.pdf.PDFTextStream
getPageHeight() - Method in interface com.snowtide.pdf.Page
Returns the height of this page in PDF "default user space units" (as specified by the PDF spec).
getPageNumber() - Method in class com.snowtide.pdf.Bookmark
Returns the page number for this bookmark.
getPageNumber() - Method in interface com.snowtide.pdf.Page
Returns this Page's page number.
getPages() - Method in interface com.snowtide.pdf.Document
Returns a list of pages from this Document, which are loaded lazily when accessed via the returned list.
getPages() - Method in class com.snowtide.pdf.PDFTextStream
getPageWidth() - Method in interface com.snowtide.pdf.Page
Returns the width of this page in PDF "default user space units" (as specified by the PDF spec).
getPDFFile() - Method in interface com.snowtide.pdf.Document
Returns a reference to the file that this Document is processing.
getPDFFile() - Method in class com.snowtide.pdf.PDFTextStream
getPdfFileSize() - Method in interface com.snowtide.pdf.Document
Returns the size of the PDF file being read, in bytes.
getPdfFileSize() - Method in class com.snowtide.pdf.PDFTextStream
getPdfName() - Method in class com.snowtide.pdf.EncryptionInfo
Returns the name of the PDF document that this object is associated with.
getPDFVersion() - Method in interface com.snowtide.pdf.Document
Returns the PDFVersion instance that corresponds with the version of the PDF file specification to which current PDF file adheres.
getPDFVersion() - Method in class com.snowtide.pdf.PDFTextStream
getPossibleValues() - Method in class com.snowtide.pdf.forms.AcroRadioButtonGroupField
Returns a set of the possible values that may be set on this button.
getPreviousURI() - Method in class com.snowtide.pdf.annot.LinkAnnotation
Returns the previous URI to which this link annotation referred.
getRegionCnt() - Method in class com.snowtide.pdf.RegionOutputTarget
Returns the number of registered regions.
getRegionNames() - Method in class com.snowtide.pdf.RegionOutputTarget
Returns a set containing each of the names used to register regions on this RegionOutputTarget via RegionOutputTarget.addRegion(float, float, float, float, String).
getRegionText(int) - Method in class com.snowtide.pdf.RegionOutputTarget
Returns the text extracted from the i-th region that was registered with this RegionOutputTarget.
getRegionText(String) - Method in class com.snowtide.pdf.RegionOutputTarget
Returns the text extracted from the region that was registered with this RegionOutputTarget using the provided name.
getRichContent() - Method in class com.snowtide.pdf.annot.FreeTextAnnotation
Returns the rich text content held by this annotation.
getRichContentStyle() - Method in class com.snowtide.pdf.annot.FreeTextAnnotation
Returns the CSS style information held by this annotation that should be applied to the rich text content returned by the FreeTextAnnotation.getRichContent() function when that content is displayed.
getRichTextValue() - Method in class com.snowtide.pdf.forms.AcroTextField
Returns the 'rich text' value for this field (XHTML that conforms to the XFA specification), if available.
getRightBound() - Method in class com.snowtide.pdf.annot.LinkAnnotation
Returns the x-coordinate on the page to which this link annotation refers where a PDF viewer should position the right edge of its window when the link annotation is activated.
getRightBound() - Method in class com.snowtide.pdf.Bookmark
Returns the x-coordinate on the page to which this bookmark refers where a PDF viewer should position the right edge of its window when the bookmark is activated.
getRotationTheta() - Method in interface com.snowtide.pdf.Page
Returns the number of degrees by which the page has been rotated clockwise.
getRow(int) - Method in interface com.snowtide.pdf.layout.Table
Returns a BlockParent instance containing the Blocks that form the indicated row number.
getRowCnt() - Method in interface com.snowtide.pdf.layout.Table
Returns the number of rows in this table.
getSpacingScale() - Method in class com.snowtide.pdf.VisualOutputTarget
Returns the spacing scale currently in effect for this VisualOutputTarget.
getSubfilterName() - Method in class com.snowtide.pdf.EncryptionInfo
getTargetPageNumber() - Method in class com.snowtide.pdf.annot.LinkAnnotation
Returns the page number to which this link annotation refers.
getTelemetryMode() - Method in class com.snowtide.pdf.Configuration
getTextContent() - Method in interface com.snowtide.pdf.Page
Equivalent to Page.getTextContent(Direction), with a base Direction determined by Page.guessDirection().
getTextContent(Direction) - Method in interface com.snowtide.pdf.Page
Returns a BlockParent instance that contains all Block instances held by this Page, which in turn hold all text content for this Page.
getTextUnit(int) - Method in interface com.snowtide.pdf.layout.Line
Returns the TextUnit at the specified index.
getTextUnitCnt() - Method in interface com.snowtide.pdf.layout.Line
Returns the number of TextUnits in this Line.
getTextUnitPredicate() - Method in class com.snowtide.pdf.Configuration
getTextUnits() - Method in interface com.snowtide.pdf.layout.Line
Returns a List view of the TextUnits held by this Line.
getTheta() - Method in interface com.snowtide.pdf.layout.TextUnit
Returns the angle (in degrees) by which this TextUnit's baseline is rotated.
getTitle() - Method in class com.snowtide.pdf.annot.FileAttachmentAnnotation
Returns the title associated with this file annotation.
getTitle() - Method in class com.snowtide.pdf.Bookmark
Returns the title/label for this bookmark.
getTopBound() - Method in class com.snowtide.pdf.annot.LinkAnnotation
Returns the y-coordinate on the page to which this link annotation refers where a PDF viewer should position the top edge of its window when the link annotation is activated.
getTopBound() - Method in class com.snowtide.pdf.Bookmark
Returns the y-coordinate on the page to which this bookmark refers where a PDF viewer should position the top edge of its window when the bookmark is activated.
getType() - Method in interface com.snowtide.pdf.forms.AcroFormField
Returns the type of field, as specified in the /FT entry in this field's PDF dictionary.
getTypeCd() - Method in interface com.snowtide.pdf.annot.Annotation
Returns a String indicating what type of annotation this this.
getUIName() - Method in interface com.snowtide.pdf.forms.AcroFormField
Returns the user-friendly name of this field, as specified in the /TU entry in this field's PDF dictionary.
getUIName() - Method in interface com.snowtide.pdf.forms.FormField
Returns a user-friendly name for this field, typically used to identify the field to users or in extracts of form data.
getURI() - Method in class com.snowtide.pdf.annot.LinkAnnotation
Returns the URI to which this link annotation refers; this will be non-null only if this link's annotation action type is 'URI'.
getV() - Method in class com.snowtide.pdf.EncryptionInfo
Returns the algorithm "version" used when the document was encrypted.
getValue() - Method in class com.snowtide.pdf.forms.AcroButtonField
Returns this button's 'base value', which is actually a code used by a PDF viewer to determine how to draw a button's widget.
getValue() - Method in interface com.snowtide.pdf.forms.AcroFormField
Returns the value of this field, as specified in the /V entry in this field's PDF dictionary.
getValue() - Method in interface com.snowtide.pdf.forms.FormField
Returns the current value of the field.
getVersionInd() - Method in enum com.snowtide.pdf.PDFVersion
Returns the version indicator ('1.1', '1.2', etc).
getWidgetType() - Method in class com.snowtide.pdf.forms.AcroChoiceField
Returns either AcroChoiceField.CHOICE_TYPE_COMBO (indicating that this choice widget is a dropdown, single-selection field), or AcroChoiceField.CHOICE_TYPE_LIST, indicating that this choice widget is a multiple-row, possibly multiple-selection field).
getXFAContents() - Method in interface com.snowtide.pdf.forms.AcroForm
Returns the entire XFA contents of this form.
getXFAPacketContents(String) - Method in interface com.snowtide.pdf.forms.AcroForm
Returns the contents of the XML element referenced by packetName in this form.
getXFAPacketNames() - Method in interface com.snowtide.pdf.forms.AcroForm
Returns a Set of the packet names of the XFA data.
getXMLAsString() - Method in class pdfts.examples.XMLOutputTarget
Returns the XML built by this XMLOutputTarget as a String.
getXMLDocument() - Method in class pdfts.examples.XMLOutputTarget
Returns the DOM Document that this XMLOutputTarget is building.
getXmlMetadata() - Method in interface com.snowtide.pdf.Document
Returns the XML metadata available from this Document, or null if no XML metadata is available.
getXmlMetadata() - Method in class com.snowtide.pdf.PDFTextStream
GIF - com.snowtide.pdf.layout.Image.Format
GoogleHTMLOutputHandler - Class in pdfts.examples
This class is an example OutputHandler implementation that builds an XHTML document to mimic the HTML view that Google offers for indexed PDF documents.
GoogleHTMLOutputHandler() - Constructor for class pdfts.examples.GoogleHTMLOutputHandler
guessDirection() - Method in interface com.snowtide.pdf.layout.Block
Returns the Direction of this block (in aggregate of all of its lines and child blocks, if any), determined via a heuristic that surveys all included text content.
guessDirection() - Method in interface com.snowtide.pdf.Page
Returns the "base" Direction of this page, determined via a heuristic that surveys the entire page's contents.


hasFeature(PDF.Feature) - Static method in class com.snowtide.PDF
Returns true if the given PDF.Feature is enabled by the currently-loaded license file.
hasRichTextValue() - Method in class com.snowtide.pdf.forms.AcroTextField
Returns true only if the value of this field is 'rich text' (XHTML that conforms to the XFA specification), which may be retrieved via the AcroTextField.getRichTextValue() function.
hasValueChanged() - Method in interface com.snowtide.pdf.forms.AcroFormField
Returns true only if this field's value has been changed since being loaded from the PDF document.
height() - Method in class com.snowtide.pdf.layout.Rectangle
height() - Method in interface com.snowtide.pdf.layout.Region
The total height of this region.


id() - Method in interface com.snowtide.pdf.layout.Image
Returns the identifier associated with this image's bitmap data, guaranteed to be unique within the scope of its source document.
Image - Interface in com.snowtide.pdf.layout
Represents an image found in a Page.
Image.Format - Enum in com.snowtide.pdf.layout
An enumeration of the different formats in which image data may be produced, as indicated by Image.dataFormat().
Images - com.snowtide.PDF.Feature
PDFxStream no longer alters its functionality based on "active" features
info(Object) - Method in interface com.snowtide.util.logging.Log
Output a logging message at the 'info' severity level.
info(Object, Throwable) - Method in interface com.snowtide.util.logging.Log
Output a logging message at the 'info' severity level, including information about an associated Throwable.
InsufficientLicenseException - Exception in com.snowtide
An exception of this type is thrown when: PDFxStream is operating without a license, and more PDF documents are opened than are permitted within an unlicensed state.
InsufficientLicenseException(String) - Constructor for exception com.snowtide.InsufficientLicenseException
intersection(Region...) - Static method in class com.snowtide.pdf.layout.Rectangle
Returns a Rectangle that is the intersection of start and all of the remaining provided Regions, or null if there is no common intersection.
intersects(Region, Region) - Static method in class com.snowtide.pdf.layout.Rectangle
Returns true only if any portion of the two Regions intersect.
isBold() - Method in interface com.snowtide.pdf.Font
Returns true if this font is bold.
isChecked() - Method in class com.snowtide.pdf.forms.AcroCheckboxField
Returns true only if this checkbox is checked (i.e.
isCJKSupportEnabled() - Static method in class com.snowtide.pdf.Configuration
Returns true if this configuration will cause PDFxStream to extract and decode Chinese, Japanese, and Korean content.
isContentVolatile() - Method in class com.snowtide.pdf.EmbeddedFile
Returns true if the contents of this file should be expected to change over time.
isDebugEnabled() - Method in interface com.snowtide.util.logging.Log
Returns true if the 'debug' logging severity level is enabled.
isDeriveType3Fonts() - Method in class com.snowtide.pdf.Configuration
Returns true if this configuration will cause PDFxStream to derive the Unicode encodings of Type3 PDF fonts.
isEditable() - Method in class com.snowtide.pdf.forms.AcroChoiceField
Returns true if this field is user-editable, indicating that a user may set this field's value to a arbitrary character string.
isElideHorizontalTextualRules() - Method in class com.snowtide.pdf.Configuration
Returns true only if runs of characters forming a likely horizontal rule should be elided from extraction results.
isErrorEnabled() - Method in interface com.snowtide.util.logging.Log
Returns true if the 'error' logging severity level is enabled.
isFatalEnabled() - Method in interface com.snowtide.util.logging.Log
Returns true if the 'fatal' logging severity level is enabled.
isFileSelection() - Method in class com.snowtide.pdf.forms.AcroTextField
Returns true if this is field is designated to hold the path of a user-selected file.
isIgnoreNonCardinalRotatedChars() - Method in class com.snowtide.pdf.Configuration
When true, characters that are rotated by angles other than 0, 90, 180, and 270 will be ignored.
isImplicitLineDetectionEnabled() - Method in class com.snowtide.pdf.Configuration
isIncludingRotatedChars() - Method in class com.snowtide.pdf.VisualOutputTarget
Return true if this VisualOutputTarget will include rotated TextUnits in its output (true by default).
isInfoEnabled() - Method in interface com.snowtide.util.logging.Log
Returns true if the 'info' logging severity level is enabled.
isItalic() - Method in interface com.snowtide.pdf.Font
Returns true if this font is italic.
isLicensed() - Static method in class com.snowtide.PDF
Returns true if PDFxStream has loaded and verified a non-evaluation license file that has not yet expired.
isLicensed() - Static method in class com.snowtide.pdf.PDFTextStream
Retained to maintain PDFTextStream v2.x API compatibility. Use () instead.
isMarginTrimmed() - Method in class com.snowtide.pdf.VisualOutputTarget
Returns true if this VisualOutputTarget trims whitespace corresponding to the left margin of each page piped to it.
isMultiline() - Method in class com.snowtide.pdf.forms.AcroTextField
Returns true if this is a multiline text field.
isPasswordEntry() - Method in class com.snowtide.pdf.forms.AcroTextField
Returns true if this is a password-entry text field.
isReadOnly() - Method in interface com.snowtide.pdf.forms.AcroFormField
Returns true only if this field is designated as read-only.
isStripXFAFormDataEnabled() - Method in class com.snowtide.pdf.Configuration
isStruckThrough() - Method in interface com.snowtide.pdf.layout.TextUnit
Returns true if this TextUnit is struck through (like this).
isTableDetectionEnabled() - Method in class com.snowtide.pdf.Configuration
Returns true only if Table detection is enabled; defaults to true.
isTraceEnabled() - Method in interface com.snowtide.util.logging.Log
Returns true if the 'trace' logging severity level is enabled.
isUnderlined() - Method in interface com.snowtide.pdf.layout.TextUnit
Returns true if this TextUnit is underlined (like this).
isWarnEnabled() - Method in interface com.snowtide.util.logging.Log
Returns true if the 'warn' logging severity level is enabled.
iterator() - Method in interface com.snowtide.pdf.forms.AcroForm
Returns an Iterator over the AcroFormFields held by this form.
iterator() - Method in interface com.snowtide.pdf.forms.Form
Returns an Iterator over the FormFields held by this form.


JPEG - com.snowtide.pdf.layout.Image.Format
JPX - com.snowtide.pdf.layout.Image.Format
Note that while PDFxStream can extract JPX / JPEG2000 image files from PDF documents, it cannot decode them to provide runtime bitmap objects.


KodakPrintData - Class in com.snowtide.pdf.util
This class extracts Kodak print job data (%KDK commands).


len() - Method in interface com.snowtide.pdf.layout.Word
Returns a count of how many TextUnits are within this Word.
Line - Interface in com.snowtide.pdf.layout
Instances of this class represent distinct runs of text at a specific position within a Block.
linebreaks(int) - Method in class com.snowtide.pdf.OutputHandler
Invoked when PDFxStream determines that a series of line breaks should be outputted between the previous entity (page, block, line, etc) and the next entity (page, block, line, etc).
linebreaks(int) - Method in class com.snowtide.pdf.OutputTarget
Default implementation that writes specified number of line breaks (using the linebreak String provided by the current configuration) to the Writer or Appendable object that this OutputTarget wraps.
linebreaks(int) - Method in class com.snowtide.pdf.VisualOutputTarget
linebreaks(int) - Method in class pdfts.examples.XMLOutputTarget
LinkAnnotation - Class in com.snowtide.pdf.annot
An Annotation implementation that represents a PDF annotation of type Link.
LinkAnnotation() - Constructor for class com.snowtide.pdf.annot.LinkAnnotation
loadLicense(String) - Static method in class com.snowtide.PDF
Loads and attempts to verify a PDFxStream license file at the given path.
loadLicense(String) - Static method in class com.snowtide.pdf.PDFTextStream
Retained to maintain PDFTextStream v2.x API compatibility. Use (String) instead.
loadLicense(URL) - Static method in class com.snowtide.PDF
Loads and attempts to verify a PDFxStream license file at the given URL.
loadLicense(URL) - Static method in class com.snowtide.pdf.PDFTextStream
Retained to maintain PDFTextStream v2.x API compatibility. Use PDF.loadLicense(java.net.URL) instead.
Log - Interface in com.snowtide.util.logging
Interface that must be implemented the loggers returned by any LogFactory implementation.
LogFactory - Interface in com.snowtide.util.logging
Custom logging implementations that are to be used by PDFxStream (and therefore registered with the LoggingRegistry class) must implement this interface.
LoggingRegistry - Class in com.snowtide.util.logging
This class is provided to allow applications that use PDFxStream to supply custom logging implementations.
LTR - com.snowtide.pdf.layout.Direction
lx() - Method in class com.snowtide.pdf.layout.Rectangle
lx() - Method in interface com.snowtide.pdf.layout.Region
The left edge of this region.


main(String[]) - Static method in class com.snowtide.pdf.Console
main(String[]) - Static method in class com.snowtide.pdf.util.MergeUtil
Command-line usage of this class may be moved or removed in future PDFxStream releases.
main(String[]) - Static method in class pdfts.examples.GoogleHTMLOutputHandler
Command-line usage of this class may be moved or removed in future PDFxStream releases.
main(String[]) - Static method in class pdfts.examples.XMLFormExport
Command-line usage of this class may be moved or removed in future PDFxStream releases.
main(String[]) - Static method in class pdfts.examples.XMLOutputTarget
Command-line usage of this class may be moved or removed in future PDFxStream releases.
mergeDocuments(File[], File) - Static method in class com.snowtide.pdf.util.MergeUtil
Merges a series of PDF files into a single PDF document, and writes the merged document data to the given file path.
mergeDocuments(File[], OutputStream) - Static method in class com.snowtide.pdf.util.MergeUtil
Merges a series of PDF files into a single PDF document, and writes the merged document data to the given OutputStream.
MergeUtil - Class in com.snowtide.pdf.util
Merge functionality may be removed in a future PDFxStream release


Off - com.snowtide.pdf.Configuration.TelemetryMode
On - com.snowtide.pdf.Configuration.TelemetryMode
open(File) - Static method in class com.snowtide.PDF
Returns a new open Document reading from the given PDF File
open(File, byte[]) - Static method in class com.snowtide.PDF
Returns a new open Document reading from given PDF File.
open(File, byte[], Configuration) - Static method in class com.snowtide.PDF
Returns a new open Document reading from given PDF File.
open(InputStream, String) - Static method in class com.snowtide.PDF
Returns a new open Document reading from the PDF data provided by the given InputStream.
open(InputStream, String, byte[]) - Static method in class com.snowtide.PDF
Returns a new open Document reading from the PDF data provided by the given InputStream.
open(InputStream, String, byte[], Configuration) - Static method in class com.snowtide.PDF
Returns a new open Document reading from the PDF data provided by the given InputStream.
open(String) - Static method in class com.snowtide.PDF
Returns a new open Document reading from the PDF file found at the given filesystem path.
open(String, byte[]) - Static method in class com.snowtide.PDF
Returns a new open Document reading from the PDF file found at the given filesystem path.
open(String, byte[], Configuration) - Static method in class com.snowtide.PDF
Returns a new open Document reading from the PDF file found at the given filesystem path.
open(ByteBuffer, String) - Static method in class com.snowtide.PDF
Returns a new open Document reading from the PDF data provided by the given ByteBuffer.
open(ByteBuffer, String, byte[]) - Static method in class com.snowtide.PDF
Returns a new open Document reading from the PDF data provided by the given ByteBuffer.
open(ByteBuffer, String, byte[], Configuration) - Static method in class com.snowtide.PDF
Returns a new open Document reading from the PDF data provided by the given ByteBuffer.
OutputHandler - Class in com.snowtide.pdf
The base class for all PDF text event handlers.
OutputHandler() - Constructor for class com.snowtide.pdf.OutputHandler
OutputSource - Interface in com.snowtide.pdf
This interface is implemented by every level of the PDFxStream document model that can emit content events to an OutputHandler.
OutputTarget - Class in com.snowtide.pdf
This is a base OutputHandler implementation that directs all text extraction output to an Appendable of your choice, e.g. a Writer, StringBuilder, CharBuffer, and so on.
OutputTarget(Appendable) - Constructor for class com.snowtide.pdf.OutputTarget
Creates a new OutputTarget that directs output to the given Appendable instance.


Page - Interface in com.snowtide.pdf
Provides access to the text, images, and attributes of a page extracted from a PDF document.
pageNumber() - Method in interface com.snowtide.pdf.DocumentLocation
This page number is 0-indexed, and may be used to retrieve a Page object representing the page's content using the Document.getPage(int) function.
parseDateString(String) - Static method in class com.snowtide.pdf.PDFDateParser
Parses the provided PDF-format date string into a Date instance.
PDF - Class in com.snowtide
With PDFxStream, your Java/JVM applications can extract data of all sorts from PDF documents:
PDF.Feature - Enum in com.snowtide
An enumeration of the discrete features available within PDFxStream.
PDFDateParser - Class in com.snowtide.pdf
This class provides methods for parsing PDF-format date/time strings into Dates.
PDFTextStream - Class in com.snowtide.pdf
PDFTextStream(File) - Constructor for class com.snowtide.pdf.PDFTextStream
PDFTextStream(File, byte[]) - Constructor for class com.snowtide.pdf.PDFTextStream
PDFTextStream(File, byte[], Configuration) - Constructor for class com.snowtide.pdf.PDFTextStream
PDFTextStream(InputStream, String) - Constructor for class com.snowtide.pdf.PDFTextStream
PDFTextStream(InputStream, String, byte[]) - Constructor for class com.snowtide.pdf.PDFTextStream
PDFTextStream(InputStream, String, byte[], Configuration) - Constructor for class com.snowtide.pdf.PDFTextStream
PDFTextStream(String) - Constructor for class com.snowtide.pdf.PDFTextStream
PDFTextStream(String, byte[]) - Constructor for class com.snowtide.pdf.PDFTextStream
PDFTextStream(String, byte[], Configuration) - Constructor for class com.snowtide.pdf.PDFTextStream
PDFTextStream(ByteBuffer, String) - Constructor for class com.snowtide.pdf.PDFTextStream
PDFTextStream(ByteBuffer, String, byte[]) - Constructor for class com.snowtide.pdf.PDFTextStream
PDFTextStream(ByteBuffer, String, byte[], Configuration) - Constructor for class com.snowtide.pdf.PDFTextStream
pdfts.examples - package pdfts.examples
The source code for all classes in this package are included in every PDFxStream distribution, provided to demonstrate how various interfaces and extension points can be utilized to satisfy specialized PDF data extraction requirements.
PDFVersion - Enum in com.snowtide.pdf
An enumeration corresponding to the PDF specification version levels that can be returned by Document.getPDFVersion().
Perpetual - com.snowtide.PDF.Feature
When enabled, Perpetual indicates that the current PDFxStream license does not expire, enabling telemetry to be turned off.
pipe(OutputHandler) - Method in interface com.snowtide.pdf.OutputSource
Equivalent to OutputSource.pipe(OutputHandler, Direction), with a base Direction determined by either Page.guessDirection() (if calling pipe on a page) or Block.guessDirection() (if calling pipe on a Block).
pipe(OutputHandler) - Method in class com.snowtide.pdf.PDFTextStream
pipe(OutputHandler, Direction) - Method in interface com.snowtide.pdf.OutputSource
Extracts all available text from this OutputSource, sending all PDF text events to the given OutputHandler, with the specified Direction.
pipe(OutputHandler, Direction) - Method in class com.snowtide.pdf.PDFTextStream
PNG - com.snowtide.pdf.layout.Image.Format


Rectangle - Class in com.snowtide.pdf.layout
Concrete representation of a Region, with utility methods.
Rectangle(float, float, float, float) - Constructor for class com.snowtide.pdf.layout.Rectangle
Creates a new Rectangle with the given coordinates.
Rectangle(Region) - Constructor for class com.snowtide.pdf.layout.Rectangle
Region - Interface in com.snowtide.pdf.layout
Instances of Region represent a rectangluar space.
RegionOutputTarget - Class in com.snowtide.pdf
This OutputHandler implementation is used to selectively extract text from certain regions of each PDF page.
RegionOutputTarget() - Constructor for class com.snowtide.pdf.RegionOutputTarget
Creates a new RegionOutputTarget, using a VisualOutputTarget to lay out the text extracted for each region.
RegionOutputTarget(boolean) - Constructor for class com.snowtide.pdf.RegionOutputTarget
RegionOutputTarget(boolean, Direction) - Constructor for class com.snowtide.pdf.RegionOutputTarget
Creates a new RegionOutputTarget.
registerFactory(LogFactory) - Static method in class com.snowtide.util.logging.LoggingRegistry
Registers the given LogFactory instance as the designated LogFactory implementation for creating Log objects.
remove(int) - Method in interface com.snowtide.pdf.layout.Line
Removes the TextUnit at the specified index, and returns it.
removeAllChildren() - Method in interface com.snowtide.pdf.layout.BlockParent
removeChild(int) - Method in interface com.snowtide.pdf.layout.BlockParent
Removes and returns the child at the given index.
removeLine(int) - Method in interface com.snowtide.pdf.layout.Block
Removes the Line at the given index from this Block, and returns it.
replaceChild(int, Block) - Method in interface com.snowtide.pdf.layout.BlockParent
Replaces the child at the given index with the provided Block.
RTL - com.snowtide.pdf.layout.Direction
rx() - Method in class com.snowtide.pdf.layout.Rectangle
rx() - Method in interface com.snowtide.pdf.layout.Region
The right edge of this region.


SecurityAPIFailure - com.snowtide.pdf.EncryptedPDFException.ErrorType
Error type indicating that the encrypted PDF could not be decrypted because of a failure of the current JDK's security implementation.
SelectionOutputTarget - Class in com.snowtide.pdf
An OutputTarget derivative that restricts the content added to the given StringBuffer to that within the starting and ending selection points specified in the constructor.
SelectionOutputTarget(StringBuffer, float, float, float, float) - Constructor for class com.snowtide.pdf.SelectionOutputTarget
serializeXMLDocument(Document, Writer) - Static method in class pdfts.examples.XMLFormExport
Writes the given Document to the given Writer using a no-op XSL transformation.
setCJKSupportEnabled(boolean) - Static method in class com.snowtide.pdf.Configuration
Changes the setting that controls whether or not PDFxStream extracts and decodes Chinese, Japanese, and Korean content.
setConfig(Configuration) - Method in interface com.snowtide.pdf.Document
Sets the Configuration instance that this Document will use in various contexts to govern its operation.
setConfig(Configuration) - Method in class com.snowtide.pdf.OutputTarget
Sets the Configuration instance this OutputTarget should use.
setConfig(Configuration) - Method in class com.snowtide.pdf.PDFTextStream
setDefault(Configuration) - Static method in class com.snowtide.pdf.Configuration
Sets the configuration that new Document instances use by default.
setDeriveType3Fonts(boolean) - Method in class com.snowtide.pdf.Configuration
Changes the setting that controls whether or not PDFxStream derives the Unicode encodings of Type3 PDF fonts.
setElideHorizontalTextualRules(boolean) - Method in class com.snowtide.pdf.Configuration
Sets whether or not runs of characters forming a likely horizontal rule should be elided from extraction results.
setIgnoreNonCardinalRotatedChars(boolean) - Method in class com.snowtide.pdf.Configuration
Sets whether characters that are rotated by angles other than 0, 90, 180, and 270 will be ignored.
setImplicitLineDetectionEnabled(boolean) - Method in class com.snowtide.pdf.Configuration
setIncludingRotatedChars(boolean) - Method in class com.snowtide.pdf.VisualOutputTarget
Used to set whether or not this VisualOutputTarget will include rotated TextUnits in its output (true by default).
setLinebreakString(String) - Method in class com.snowtide.pdf.Configuration
Sets the string that OutputTarget (and its subclasses) output for each linebreak identified in extracted PDF content.
setMarginTrimmed(boolean) - Method in class com.snowtide.pdf.VisualOutputTarget
Sets whether or not this VisualOutputTarget trims the whitespace corresponding to the left margin of each page it handles.
setMinimumOverlapPct(float) - Method in class com.snowtide.pdf.RegionOutputTarget
Sets the minimum overlap between registered regions and each considered character on a page for the latter to be included in extracted content.
setMinTableCellCount(int) - Method in class com.snowtide.pdf.Configuration
Changes the setting that controls the minimum number of adjacent cells that must be present in order for PDFxStream to recognize those cells collectively as a Table.
setSpacingScale(float) - Method in class com.snowtide.pdf.VisualOutputTarget
Modifies the spacing scale that is used when outputting content laid out using this VisualOutputTarget.
setStripXFAFormDataEnabled(boolean) - Method in class com.snowtide.pdf.Configuration
setTableDetectionEnabled(boolean) - Method in class com.snowtide.pdf.Configuration
Sets whether or not Table detection is enabled.
setTelemetryMode(Configuration.TelemetryMode) - Method in class com.snowtide.pdf.Configuration
setTextUnitPredicate(TextUnit.Predicate) - Method in class com.snowtide.pdf.Configuration
setValue(boolean) - Method in class com.snowtide.pdf.forms.AcroCheckboxField
Sets the value of this checkbox field to be checked (true) or unchecked (false).
setValue(String) - Method in class com.snowtide.pdf.forms.AcroCheckboxField
Sets the value of this checkbox directly.
setValue(String) - Method in class com.snowtide.pdf.forms.AcroChoiceField
Updates this choice field's value so that the option corresponding with the single specified String is selected.
setValue(String) - Method in interface com.snowtide.pdf.forms.AcroFormField
Sets the value of this form field.
setValue(String) - Method in class com.snowtide.pdf.forms.AcroRadioButtonGroupField
Sets the value of this button field.
setValue(String) - Method in class com.snowtide.pdf.forms.AcroTextField
Sets the value of this text field.
setValue(String[]) - Method in class com.snowtide.pdf.forms.AcroChoiceField
Updates this choice field's value so that each of the options corresponding with the Strings in the specified array are selected.
sink - Variable in class com.snowtide.pdf.OutputTarget
sortChildren(Comparator) - Method in interface com.snowtide.pdf.layout.BlockParent
Sorts the Blocks in this BlockParent using the given Comparator.
spaces(int) - Method in class com.snowtide.pdf.OutputHandler
Invoked when PDFxStream determines that a series of spaces should be outputted between the previous entity (block, line, text unit, etc) and the next entity (block, line, text unit, etc).
spaces(int) - Method in class com.snowtide.pdf.OutputTarget
Default implementation that writes specified number of spaces to the Writer or Appendable object that this OutputTarget wraps.
spaces(int) - Method in class com.snowtide.pdf.VisualOutputTarget
spaces(int) - Method in class pdfts.examples.XMLOutputTarget
Spaces - Interface in com.snowtide.pdf.layout
A Spaces Span is a contiguous run of spaces within a Line.
Span - Interface in com.snowtide.pdf.layout
Spans are inline ranges of content within a single Line, either spaces (Spaces) or a contiguous run of characters (Word).
spans(Direction) - Method in interface com.snowtide.pdf.layout.Line
Returns a list of Spans identified within this line of text.
start() - Method in interface com.snowtide.pdf.layout.Word
Returns the index of the first TextUnit within this Word.
startBlock(Block) - Method in class com.snowtide.pdf.OutputHandler
Invoked when a Block is about to be processed.
startBlock(Block) - Method in class com.snowtide.pdf.VisualOutputTarget
startBlock(Block) - Method in class pdfts.examples.XMLOutputTarget
startLine(Line) - Method in class com.snowtide.pdf.OutputHandler
Invoked when a Line is about to be processed.
startLine(Line) - Method in class com.snowtide.pdf.VisualOutputTarget
startPage(Page) - Method in class com.snowtide.pdf.OutputHandler
Invoked when a page is about to be processed.
startPage(Page) - Method in class com.snowtide.pdf.OutputTarget
startPage(Page) - Method in class com.snowtide.pdf.RegionOutputTarget
startPage(Page) - Method in class com.snowtide.pdf.SelectionOutputTarget
startPage(Page) - Method in class com.snowtide.pdf.VisualOutputTarget
startPage(Page) - Method in class pdfts.examples.GoogleHTMLOutputHandler
startPage(Page) - Method in class pdfts.examples.XMLOutputTarget
startPDF(String, File) - Method in class com.snowtide.pdf.OutputHandler
Invoked when a new PDF is about to be processed.
startPDF(String, File) - Method in class pdfts.examples.GoogleHTMLOutputHandler
startPDF(String, File) - Method in class pdfts.examples.XMLOutputTarget
startSpan(Span) - Method in class com.snowtide.pdf.OutputHandler
Invoked when a Span is about to be processed
startSpan(Span) - Method in class com.snowtide.pdf.OutputTarget
Syntax - com.snowtide.pdf.EncryptedPDFException.ErrorType
Error type indicating that a necessary decryption parameter either could not be found within the source PDF document, or has an invalid value.


Table - Interface in com.snowtide.pdf.layout
Blocks of this subtype have been recognized by PDFxStream to contain a table-like structure.
tableToStrings(Table) - Static method in class com.snowtide.pdf.util.TableUtils
Returns a two-dimensional array of Strings carrying the contents of the given Table in row/cell order.
TableUtils - Class in com.snowtide.pdf.util
This class provides a set of convenience methods related to working with Tables.
test(TextUnit) - Method in interface com.snowtide.pdf.layout.TextUnit.Predicate
Return true if the given character should be included in the page being extracted.
Text - com.snowtide.PDF.Feature
PDFxStream no longer alters its functionality based on "active" features
TextAnnotation - Class in com.snowtide.pdf.annot
An Annotation implementation that represents a PDF annotation of type Text.
TextAnnotation() - Constructor for class com.snowtide.pdf.annot.TextAnnotation
textUnit(TextUnit) - Method in class com.snowtide.pdf.OutputHandler
Invoked when a run of characters is to be outputted, as represented by the given TextUnit instance.
textUnit(TextUnit) - Method in class com.snowtide.pdf.OutputTarget
Default implementation that writes the character run specified by the given TextUnit instance to the Appendable held by this OutputTarget.
textUnit(TextUnit) - Method in class com.snowtide.pdf.RegionOutputTarget
textUnit(TextUnit) - Method in class com.snowtide.pdf.SelectionOutputTarget
textUnit(TextUnit) - Method in class com.snowtide.pdf.VisualOutputTarget
textUnit(TextUnit) - Method in class pdfts.examples.GoogleHTMLOutputHandler
textUnit(TextUnit) - Method in class pdfts.examples.XMLOutputTarget
TextUnit - Interface in com.snowtide.pdf.layout
A single character or discrete character grouping positioned within a Line.
TextUnit.Predicate - Interface in com.snowtide.pdf.layout
Type to be satisfied when implementing a TextUnit predicate for filtering characters in a Page.
TIFF - com.snowtide.pdf.layout.Image.Format
toString() - Method in class com.snowtide.pdf.Configuration
toString() - Method in exception com.snowtide.pdf.EncryptedPDFException
toString() - Method in class com.snowtide.pdf.layout.Rectangle
toString() - Method in enum com.snowtide.pdf.PDFVersion
trace(Object) - Method in interface com.snowtide.util.logging.Log
Output a logging message at the 'trace' severity level.
trace(Object, Throwable) - Method in interface com.snowtide.util.logging.Log
Output a logging message at the 'trace' severity level, including information about an associated Throwable.
ty() - Method in class com.snowtide.pdf.layout.Rectangle
ty() - Method in interface com.snowtide.pdf.layout.Region
The top edge of this region.


union(Region...) - Static method in class com.snowtide.pdf.layout.Rectangle
Returns a Rectangle whose coordinates represent the minimum bounding rectangle of all of the provided rectangles.
Unspecified - com.snowtide.pdf.EncryptedPDFException.ErrorType
Error type indicating an unspecified encryption error.
Unsupported - com.snowtide.pdf.EncryptedPDFException.ErrorType
Error type indicating that a PDF file is encrypted using a method that is unsupported by the current version of PDFxStream.


V_OTHER - com.snowtide.pdf.PDFVersion
V1_0 - com.snowtide.pdf.PDFVersion
V1_1 - com.snowtide.pdf.PDFVersion
V1_2 - com.snowtide.pdf.PDFVersion
V1_3 - com.snowtide.pdf.PDFVersion
V1_4 - com.snowtide.pdf.PDFVersion
V1_5 - com.snowtide.pdf.PDFVersion
V1_6 - com.snowtide.pdf.PDFVersion
V1_7 - com.snowtide.pdf.PDFVersion
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.snowtide.pdf.Configuration.TelemetryMode
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.snowtide.pdf.EncryptedPDFException.ErrorType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.snowtide.PDF.Feature
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.snowtide.pdf.layout.Direction
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.snowtide.pdf.layout.Image.Format
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.snowtide.pdf.PDFVersion
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
values() - Static method in enum com.snowtide.pdf.Configuration.TelemetryMode
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.snowtide.pdf.EncryptedPDFException.ErrorType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.snowtide.PDF.Feature
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.snowtide.pdf.layout.Direction
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.snowtide.pdf.layout.Image.Format
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.snowtide.pdf.PDFVersion
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
VisualOutputTarget - Class in com.snowtide.pdf
This OutputHandler implementation aims to preserve as much of a PDF's text layout as possible so that text extracts will retain the visual arrangement of text as present in the original document.
VisualOutputTarget(Appendable) - Constructor for class com.snowtide.pdf.VisualOutputTarget


warn(Object) - Method in interface com.snowtide.util.logging.Log
Output a logging message at the 'warn' severity level.
warn(Object, Throwable) - Method in interface com.snowtide.util.logging.Log
Output a logging message at the 'warn' severity level, including information about an associated Throwable.
width() - Method in class com.snowtide.pdf.layout.Rectangle
width() - Method in interface com.snowtide.pdf.layout.Region
The width of this region.
Word - Interface in com.snowtide.pdf.layout
A Word Span is a contiguous run of characters (TextUnits) within a single Line.
write(char) - Method in class com.snowtide.pdf.OutputTarget
Writes the provided character to the Appendable used to create this OutputTarget.
write(char[]) - Method in class com.snowtide.pdf.OutputTarget
Writes the provided character data to the Appendable used to create this OutputTarget.
write(char[], int, int) - Method in class com.snowtide.pdf.OutputTarget
Writes the provided character data to the Appendable used to create this OutputTarget.
write(CharSequence) - Method in class com.snowtide.pdf.OutputTarget
Writes the provided CharSequence's character data to the Appendable used to create this OutputTarget.
writeUpdatedDocument(File) - Method in interface com.snowtide.pdf.forms.AcroForm
Identical functionality to AcroForm.writeUpdatedDocument(OutputStream), except the PDF document data is written to the path specified by the given File object.
writeUpdatedDocument(OutputStream) - Method in interface com.snowtide.pdf.forms.AcroForm
If any field values contained in this form have been changed, then this function writes a copy of the PDF document from which this form was read to the given OutputStream, and appends the updated form field values.
writeUpdatedDocument(String) - Method in interface com.snowtide.pdf.forms.AcroForm
Identical functionality to AcroForm.writeUpdatedDocument(OutputStream), except the PDF document data is written to the path specified by the given String.


XMLFormExport - Class in pdfts.examples
This class extracts all interactive form data from a Document (or from a PDF file specified via command line), and builds up an XML DOM Document instance containing the extracted form data.
XMLOutputTarget - Class in pdfts.examples
This class is an example OutputHandler implementation that builds up a DOM XML model of extracted PDF content.
XMLOutputTarget() - Constructor for class pdfts.examples.XMLOutputTarget
Creates a new XMLOutputTarget.
xpos() - Method in class com.snowtide.pdf.layout.Rectangle
xpos() - Method in interface com.snowtide.pdf.layout.Region
Legacy naming, same as Region.lx()


ypos() - Method in class com.snowtide.pdf.layout.Rectangle
ypos() - Method in interface com.snowtide.pdf.layout.Region
Legacy naming, same as Region.by()
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