Class LoggingRegistry

  • public class LoggingRegistry
    extends Object

    This class is provided to allow applications that use PDFxStream to supply custom logging implementations.

    Classes may be registered with this class that implement the LogFactory interface. Note that this class will create an instance of the implementation class(es) provided to it using the Java Reflection API; this requires that the LogFactory implementation class have a no-arg constructor.

    If no custom LogFactory class is registered, then PDFxStream will use a default logging implementation that will use the following logging toolkits, in the following order of preference:

    • The java.util.logging API
    • Log4J
    • A fallback implementation that outputs all logging messages to System.out

    Log4J can be given preference over java.util.logging by setting the system property pdfxs.loggingtype to log4j.

    CRITICAL: If a custom logging implementation is to be used, it must be registered with this class before referencing any other PDFxStream classes. This is because PDFxStream retrieves all of the Log implementations it needs when its classes are first initialized, which is done when it is first used by outside application code.

    Ensuring that this occurs is easy. Either:

    • Set the pdfxs.logfactory system property to the full classname of your LogFactory implementation
    • Programmatically register your LogFactory implementation with this class in a static initializer block in your application:
            static {
    ©2004-2025 Snowtide
    • Method Detail

      • registerFactory

        public static void registerFactory​(LogFactory impl)
        Registers the given LogFactory instance as the designated LogFactory implementation for creating Log objects.
        impl - a LogFactory implementation
      • getLog

        public static Log getLog​(Class c)
        Convenience method for retrieving a Log instance for the given Class from the current LogFactory.
      • getLog

        public static Log getLog​(String logname)
        Convenience method for retrieving a Log instance with the given name from the current LogFactory.