Class Console

  • public class Console
    extends Object
    This class provides a command-line interface to PDFxStream and its capabilities. In general, this is intended for small one-off tasks and very shallow evaluation purposes.


          java -cp path/to/PDFxStream.jar com.snowtide.pdf.Console --text [--vot] [pdfFile] [optional output path]

    If an output path is not provided, extracted text will be written to stdout. Formatting of the text will be per OutputTarget, unless --vot is included as a flag, specifying the use of VisualOutputTarget to preserve the input document's horizontal whitespace and other visual layout characteristics.

          java -cp path/to/PDFxStream.jar com.snowtide.pdf.Console --images [pdfFile] [optional root output path]

    If an output path is not provided, extracted images will be written to a directory in the same directory as pdfFile, distinguished with a .images suffix.

          java -cp path/to/PDFxStream.jar com.snowtide.pdf.Console --attrs [pdfFile]

    Prints name/value pairs of document metadata to stdout.

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