Class EncryptionInfo

  • public class EncryptionInfo
    extends Object
    Instances of this class provide information about the parameters used to encrypt a PDF document. The properties provided here map directly to those specified in Section 3.5 of the Adobe PDF document specification; please refer to that document for more information about what these properties mean.
    ©2004-2025 Snowtide
    • Constructor Detail

      • EncryptionInfo

        public EncryptionInfo()
    • Method Detail

      • getPdfName

        public String getPdfName()
        Returns the name of the PDF document that this object is associated with.
      • getFilterName

        public String getFilterName()
        Returns the name of the security handler for the PDF document.
      • getSubfilterName

        public String getSubfilterName()
      • getV

        public int getV()
        Returns the algorithm "version" used when the document was encrypted.
      • getBitLength

        public int getBitLength()
        Returns the bit length of the key used to encrypt the document; will always be a multiple of 8, and between 40 - 128.