Class FreeTextAnnotation

  • All Implemented Interfaces:
    Annotation, DocumentLocation, Bounded

    public class FreeTextAnnotation
    extends Object

    An Annotation implementation that represents a PDF annotation of type FreeText.

    FreeTextAnnotations differ from TextAnnotations in the following ways:

    • FreeTextAnnotations can be made to integrate with their parent PDF content seamlessly; TextAnnotations should never appear to be part of the regular PDF content.
    • FreeTextAnnotations can contain 'rich text' -- XHTML/XFA content styled using CSS attributes. The rich text and CSS style information can be retrieved using the getRichContent() and getRichContentStyle() functions, respectively.

    FreeTextAnnotations should also contain a plain-text representation of their content suitable for indexing, etc., accessible via Annotation.getContents().

    ©2004-2025 Snowtide
    • Constructor Detail

      • FreeTextAnnotation

        public FreeTextAnnotation()
    • Method Detail

      • getJustificationInd

        public int getJustificationInd()
        Returns an int indicating how the text content of this annotation should be justified. Possible values:
        • 0 - left-justified
        • 1 - centered
        • 2 - right-justified
      • getRichContent

        public String getRichContent()
        Returns the rich text content held by this annotation. This content should conform to the XFA Text Specification, which is a subset of XHTML. For details on this, consult the subsection titled 'Rich Text Strings' in Section 8.6 of the PDF document reference. A plain text representation of this content should be available through the getContents() function.
      • getRichContentStyle

        public String getRichContentStyle()
        Returns the CSS style information held by this annotation that should be applied to the rich text content returned by the getRichContent() function when that content is displayed. This style information should conform to the CSS recommendations presented in the PDF document reference, Section 8.6, subsection 'Rich Text Strings'.
      • getContents

        public String getContents()
        Description copied from interface: Annotation
        Returns the text content of this annotation. Some annotation types do not encode any text content; in such cases, those annotation type implementations will either return null from this function, or return an alternative descriptive text string that may be used to indicate the value or nature of this annotation.
        Specified by:
        getContents in interface Annotation
      • pageNumber

        public int pageNumber()
        Description copied from interface: DocumentLocation
        This page number is 0-indexed, and may be used to retrieve a Page object representing the page's content using the Document.getPage(int) function.

        If a page number is not available for some reason, then this method will return -1.

        Specified by:
        pageNumber in interface DocumentLocation
      • getName

        public String getName()
        Description copied from interface: Annotation
        Returns the optional name for this annotation, which should uniquely identify it within a page.
        Specified by:
        getName in interface Annotation
      • getModificationDate

        public String getModificationDate()
        Description copied from interface: Annotation
        Returns the date, in PDF date format, when this annotation was last modified. This date string may be parsed using the PDFDateParser class. This function may return null if no modification date is present in the annotation data.
        Specified by:
        getModificationDate in interface Annotation
      • getTypeCd

        public String getTypeCd()
        Description copied from interface: Annotation
        Returns a String indicating what type of annotation this this. These types are defined in Section 8.4.5 of the PDF Format Reference, and are returned with a leading forward slash.
        Specified by:
        getTypeCd in interface Annotation
      • getAppearance

        public Page getAppearance()
                           throws IOException
        Description copied from interface: Annotation
        Returns a Page containing this annotation's rendered "appearance stream", if it explicitly defines one, null otherwise. (If an annotation does not define its own appearance explicitly, it is assumed that a PDF reader / consumer will provide a default rendering based on the annotation's type and associated data.) The contents of the page can be accessed and manipulated just like any "regular" page obtained from e.g. Document.getPage(int).
        Specified by:
        getAppearance in interface Annotation