Class XMLOutputTarget

  • public class XMLOutputTarget
    extends OutputHandler

    This class is an example OutputHandler implementation that builds up a DOM XML model of extracted PDF content.

    The full source code for this class is included in every PDFxStream distribution.

    The aim of this OutputHandler implementation is to output a valid XML document containing the text extracted from the PDF document, as well as interesting structural information (i.e. where Page and Block structures begin and end), as well as what text ranges are outputted using bolded, italicized, and underlined fonts. This kind of information might be particularly interesting to systems that perform some kind of semantic analysis of a document's structure and significant textual passages (such as a search engine or data mining system).

    ©2004-2025 Snowtide
    • Constructor Detail

      • XMLOutputTarget

        public XMLOutputTarget()
                        throws IOException
        Creates a new XMLOutputTarget.
        IOException - if an error occurs initializing a new DOM document
    • Method Detail

      • getXMLDocument

        public Document getXMLDocument()
        Returns the DOM Document that this XMLOutputTarget is building.
      • getXMLAsString

        public String getXMLAsString()
                              throws IOException
        Returns the XML built by this XMLOutputTarget as a String.
      • spaces

        public void spaces​(int spaceCnt)
        Description copied from class: OutputHandler
        Invoked when PDFxStream determines that a series of spaces should be outputted between the previous entity (block, line, text unit, etc) and the next entity (block, line, text unit, etc).
        spaces in class OutputHandler
        spaceCnt - the number of spaces that PDFxStream recommends should be outputted
      • linebreaks

        public void linebreaks​(int linebreakCnt)
        Description copied from class: OutputHandler
        Invoked when PDFxStream determines that a series of line breaks should be outputted between the previous entity (page, block, line, etc) and the next entity (page, block, line, etc).
        linebreaks in class OutputHandler
        linebreakCnt - the number of line breaks that PDFxStream recommends should be outputted
      • startBlock

        public void startBlock​(Block block)
        Description copied from class: OutputHandler
        Invoked when a Block is about to be processed.
        startBlock in class OutputHandler
        block - a reference to the Block that is about to be processed
      • endBlock

        public void endBlock​(Block block)
        Description copied from class: OutputHandler
        Invoked when PDFxStream has finished processing a Block.
        endBlock in class OutputHandler
        block - a reference to the Page that has been processed
      • startPDF

        public void startPDF​(String pdfName,
                             File pdfFile)
        Description copied from class: OutputHandler
        Invoked when a new PDF is about to be processed.
        startPDF in class OutputHandler
        pdfName - the 'name' of the PDF document, as provided by Document.getName() }
        pdfFile - the file reference PDFxStream is about to begin processing. This reference may be null if the source Document is not reading from a File or InputStream.
      • endPDF

        public void endPDF​(String pdfName,
                           File pdfFile)
        Description copied from class: OutputHandler
        Invoked when PDFxStream has finished processing a PDF.
        endPDF in class OutputHandler
        pdfName - the 'name' of the PDF document, as provided by Document.getName() }
        pdfFile - the file reference PDFxStream has finished processing
      • startPage

        public void startPage​(Page page)
        Description copied from class: OutputHandler
        Invoked when a page is about to be processed.
        startPage in class OutputHandler
        page - a reference to the Page that is about to be processed
      • endPage

        public void endPage​(Page page)
        Description copied from class: OutputHandler
        Invoked when PDFxStream has finished processing a page
        endPage in class OutputHandler
        page - a reference to the Page that has been processed
      • main

        public static void main​(String[] args)
                         throws Exception
        Command-line usage of this class may be moved or removed in future PDFxStream releases.
        A main method suitable for using this class' functionality from the command line. All of the command-line arguments will be taken to be paths to input PDF documents; each PDF documents will be opened by PDF, and its content piped through a XMLOutputTarget instance. Each PDF's extracted content is then written to a ".xml" file in the same directory as the input document.