All Classes
All Classes Interface Summary Class Summary Enum Summary Exception Summary Class Description AcroButtonField Represents a button form field in an interactiveAcroForm
.AcroCheckboxField Instances of this class represent individual checkboxes in aninteractive forms
.AcroChoiceField Represents a multiple-choice form field in an interactive AcroForm.AcroForm AForm
implementation that represents the contents of an interactive PDF form, available viaDocument.getFormData()
.AcroFormField Interface implmented by all form fields held byAcroForm
instances.AcroRadioButtonGroupField Instances of this class represent a group of radio buttons in aninteractive forms
.AcroSignatureField Represents a digital signature field in an interactive AcroForm.AcroTextField Represents a text field in an interactive AcroForm.Annotation All PDF annotations define a range of base attributes, which are accessible using the functions this interface specifies.Block Instances of this class represent groupings of text at a specific position on aPage
.BlockParent An interface to be implemented by any class that can contain an ordered set of Blocks.Bookmark Instances of this class form a singly-rooted tree available in some PDF documents.Bounded Instances of this interface represent two-dimensional spatial entities that carry aRegion
instance indicating their minimum bounding rectangle.Configuration Various configuration options for PDFxStream may be set using this class.Configuration.TelemetryMode PDFxStream makes very limited use of remote telemetry, strictly to ensure licensing compliance and to aid Snowtide's technical support operations.Console This class provides a command-line interface to PDFxStream and its capabilities.Direction An enum representing the directionality of extracted text.Document Interface implemented by all objects representing a PDF document.DocumentLocation Represents a unique location within aDocument
.EmbeddedFile Files in PDF documents may be associated either withthe document as a whole
, or withannotations
that are located on a single page in a particular location.EncryptedPDFException A subclass of IOException that is thrown by PDFxStream constructors if one of the following conditions occurs: a variety of encryption is encountered that PDFxStream does not support an error occurs while decrypting PDF data an incorrect password is provided to one of the PDFxStream constructorsEncryptedPDFException.ErrorType An enumeration of the set of possibleerror types
that can be indicated by a thrownEncryptedPDFException
.EncryptionInfo Instances of this class provide information about the parameters used to encrypt a PDF document.FaultyPDFException Exceptions of this type are thrown by PDFxStream when it encounters such a serious error when attempting to process a PDF file that no extraction can take place.FileAttachmentAnnotation AnAnnotation
implementation that represents a PDF annotation of typeFileAttachment
.Font Represents a PDF font.Form<T extends FormField> Provides access to form data available in a PDF document.FormField Base interface for objects representing fields within aForm
.FreeTextAnnotation AnAnnotation
implementation that represents a PDF annotation of typeFreeText
.GoogleHTMLOutputHandler This class is an exampleOutputHandler
implementation that builds an XHTML document to mimic the HTML view that Google offers for indexed PDF documents.Image Represents an image found in aPage
.Image.Format An enumeration of the different formats in whichimage data
may be produced, as indicated byImage.dataFormat()
.InsufficientLicenseException An exception of this type is thrown when: PDFxStream is operating without a license, and more PDF documents are opened than are permitted within an unlicensed state.KodakPrintData This class extracts Kodak print job data (%KDK commands).Line Instances of this class represent distinct runs of text at a specific position within aBlock
.LinkAnnotation AnAnnotation
implementation that represents a PDF annotation of typeLink
.Log Interface that must be implemented the loggers returned by anyLogFactory
implementation.LogFactory Custom logging implementations that are to be used by PDFxStream (and therefore registered with theLoggingRegistry
class) must implement this interface.LoggingRegistry This class is provided to allow applications that use PDFxStream to supply custom logging implementations.MergeUtil Deprecated. Merge functionality may be removed in a future PDFxStream releaseOutputHandler The base class for all PDF text event handlers.OutputSource This interface is implemented by every level of the PDFxStream document model that can emit content events to anOutputHandler
.OutputTarget This is a baseOutputHandler
implementation that directs all text extraction output to anAppendable
of your choice, e.g. aWriter
, and so on.Page Provides access to the text, images, and attributes of a page extracted from a PDF document.PDF With PDFxStream, your Java/JVM applications can extract data of all sorts from PDF documents:PDF.Feature An enumeration of the discrete features available within PDFxStream.PDFDateParser This class provides methods for parsing PDF-format date/time strings intoDate
s.PDFTextStream Deprecated. PDFVersion An enumeration corresponding to the PDF specification version levels that can be returned byDocument.getPDFVersion()
.Rectangle Concrete representation of aRegion
, with utility methods.Region Instances ofRegion
represent a rectangluar space.RegionOutputTarget ThisOutputHandler
implementation is used to selectively extract text from certain regions of each PDF page.SelectionOutputTarget AnOutputTarget
derivative that restricts the content added to the givenStringBuffer
to that within the starting and ending selection points specified in the constructor.Spaces Span Table Blocks of this subtype have been recognized by PDFxStream to contain a table-like structure.TableUtils This class provides a set of convenience methods related to working withTable
s.TextAnnotation AnAnnotation
implementation that represents a PDF annotation of typeText
.TextUnit A single character or discrete character grouping positioned within aLine
.TextUnit.Predicate Type to be satisfied when implementing aTextUnit
predicate for filtering characters in aPage
.VisualOutputTarget This OutputHandler implementation aims to preserve as much of a PDF's text layout as possible so that text extracts will retain the visual arrangement of text as present in the original document.Word XMLFormExport This class extracts all interactive form data from aDocument
(or from a PDF file specifiedvia command line
), and builds up an XML DOM Document instance containing the extracted form data.XMLOutputTarget This class is an exampleOutputHandler
implementation that builds up a DOM XML model of extracted PDF content.